I commenced my weight loss diet regimen approximately 5 years ago. However, after 4 years I discovered a swing in my bodyweight after I have tried every diets and exercise regime I know.
In spite of my trials, nothing seemed to work out, and then I decided to enroll in a bodyweight workshop 6 months ago.
It was there I realized that I need to change the way I eat food. Factually, it was then I understood that I had made lots of mistakes in my quest to lose weight.
In this write-up, I wish to share the 8 errors I created on my mission to shed pounds. I wish to discuss my experiences with people through the internet to help them prevent such mistakes.
So, the 8 fatal mistakes I created in my effort to get my desired bodyweight are listed below.
Skipping morning meals
A great number of people do this in order to lose weight. It is absolutely wrong! Eating considerably little food and missing out meals will never help you to lose that fat.
Don’t dare to miss dishes most importantly, breakfast. Breakfast is quite a portion of real simple food that one shouldn’t miss to eat.
Without doubt, skipping morning food is among the hefty mistakes you could make on weight loss meal plan.
Note you are much likely to indulge at lunchtime if you normally rush out every morning on an empty stomach.
Also, bear in mind that the calories you consume during breakfast can be burned throughout the day. I was doing all these, but, little did I realize it was creating negative effects on my bodyweight.
I would personally eat one day and never the following
Then, I would happily consume more than 2000 calories per day and really feel good. The next day, I skip meals like crazy hoping to burn out the calories consumed the previous day.
I was actually feeling responsible eating more calories the following time. One thing I was ignorant of, is that the excess calories I consumed have been stored as fat.
Certainly, the moment you starve yourself during the day, you are prone to eating more at dinner which can never help you lose weight. You ought to ingest much of your calorie consumption in the morning.
I bought foods labeled lower-fat and healthy, I consumed them more
When I go to supermarkets purchasing, I usually looked for the food items marked diet, lower-fat, healthy and so forth.
I would think I have found the solution. Sincerely, I bought them because I thought I could eat more of them since they are tagged healthy and low-fat.
Personally, I wasn’t mindful of the portion I consumed because I thought it was a good practice.
Consuming any diet regimen in large quantity will not do you any favor. No matter what nutrients the food is designed to contain, you ought not to overdo it.
I had the mindset that I’ll forever be fat
The way you see yourself has a great deal of effect on your weight loss plans. If you believe your efforts are paying, then, you’ll see the effect of your hard work.
On the other hand, if you believe your excess fat body will never change, then, you’ll never see the progress. You need to first of all come out of this attitude before you can actualize your weight loss goals.
Concentrate on becoming a satisfied person you should be and let things fall in their right places. Your health and satisfaction should be your major concern here.
I had this mindset that I’m born to be overweight and that my trials are just for trying sake. That is a big lie as I can see today.
I began eating just salads because they have lesser calories
Yes, it’s a general rule that eating salads provide your body with fewer amounts of calories. That can be true but you should know that salads are not filling. They are usually light food.
When I started this practice, I discovered that after some hours of eating the salad, I started feeling very hungry. I will end up getting snacks for myself.
The best I could have done was to eat a balanced diet of small portions. Then instead of eating three times, I will split them to about five times.
The meal however, should be of low calories so that it won’t destroy the weight loss goals.
I was of the habit of beginning diet plans on Mondays
The idea of starting any new diet idea on Monday is to eat whatever I want to eat during the weekend. The idea is silly right?
Well, I did that thinking I was helping myself not knowing I wasn’t. I thought that since I will be letting go of such meals, I should grasp the opportunity of enjoying them the last time.
Whenever I did such things, the result is a total failure. I failed in my weight loss plans and get frustrated.
I never registered with a gym
My major reason for not registering with a gym was because I was very ashamed of my weight. I felt that once I come in there, everyone will start making jest of me.
I felt I was too overweight to attend a gym. I felt people will stare and get me uncomfortable and I’ll end up leaving in frustration.
But, that is a big lie. Registering in the gym has been one of my most profitable decisions. It gives the motivation that will improve and increase your weight loss plans.
I set for myself long term goals
Setting a long term goal is good but they’re usually likely not to be achieved. A good number of persons fail to achieve their long-time goals.
The best kind of goal to set is either a monthly or weekly goal. These goals are of the short term and you can easily keep track of your progress.
When a short term goal is actualized, then you should immediately set another one to replace it. This is far much better than the long term kind of goals. Your goals should be substantial.
Listed above are the series of mistakes I made while trying so hard to lose weight. I made those blunders out of my ignorance.
I listed them out so that you shouldn’t repeat the same. I now follow a very different view as regards my weight loss and it has been so helpful.